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Saturday, December 06 2014

Vulnerable and Safe



      “One aspect of the endless practice is to feel both the depth of our feelings and, at the same time, to stand on the ground of all being which exits independent of what happens to us.  Often, we slip to one side of this:  either denying the impact of our feelings in order to stay grounded or we’re swept away by the strength of our feelings and lose the larger perspective.  Being fully awake comes from staying close to both, when we can.”  (Mark Nepo, The Endless Practice, p. 24)


       Psychology and spirituality come together as we hold this dual awareness.  We acknowledge our feelings – notice them in the body, name them, let go of the stories behind them as we stay present and breathe with the pure experience of feeling.  At the same time, we remember and open to an immense, compassionate and wise presence within us, tenderly holding us in love.  As we feel what we feel, breathe and allow ourselves to be held in this larger space, healing naturally occurs.  Wholeness happens.


       Fully human, fully alive, fully connected, we embrace our vulnerability and our safety.




Posted by: AT 07:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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