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Workshop and Retreat Events 

This Workshop is Complete. Stay tuned for future, similar offerings.
The Art of Intimacy - A Softening to Love Retreat 
click here for flyer or read below for details

       The movement from disease to health is a movement from disconnection to connection – a movement toward deeper friendship with ourselves, with each other, and with life itself.

       To connect means to soften, to open for exchange – giving and receiving, showing up and letting go, making room for self and other in a dance of oneness and uniqueness.

       Intimacy involves art and skill.  Our closest relationships invite deepening, move us toward wholeness and challenge us to grow – psychologically and spiritually.

       This Softening to Love retreat explores the mystery of relationship - its goofiness and uniqueness at the level of personality, its grandeur and oneness at the level of soul.  Offering insight and skill, the weekend is designed to integrate the psychological and the spiritual, in a balance of conversation, guided experience and quiet reflection.

Topics Included in Presentations and Group Discussion:

• Love and LOVE - mystery in relationship.
• Intimacy:  Knowing and being known.
• Reptiles in love:  The brain in relationship.
• Gender fender-benders: Male/Female cultural collisions.
• Conflict and closeness.  Art & skill of difficult conversation.
• Economics of relationship - boom or bust.
• Playfulness:  Getting serious about having fun.
• Raising bliss tolerance: How good can you stand it
• Love and healing:  Perfectly imperfect relationship
• Level of Soul:  Spaciousness, Oneness, Wholeness.
• Love and the Universe:  From love to LOVE.

More Details:
Who:     Designed for individuals and couples
When:   Saturday, May 1, 9am - 9pm.
Where:  The Episcopal House of Prayer at St. John's U.
What:    Bring comfortable clothing, a notebook or journal, and an open heart.

Cost:   $95 per person - Includes lunch, dinner and retreat materials.

To Register: 

Call James at:  320-257-0205

"Dr. James Bryer brings the psychological and spiritual together with the delicate balance of harmonizing them.  He provided a safe environment to wonder and wander in my being.  Through a day retreat with Dr. Bryer, I realized again how meditation and quietness are essential for healing.  It's rare to find a space, place and person who can companion you to this level and depth of healing."

"This Thursday night feast has nourished my intellect, healed my heart, and lightened my soul.  I am grateful."

"If you want something to change or grow or develop in yourself or in a situation outside yourself, you have to first approach it with acceptance and love.  In that environment, growth is natural and inevitable."   James Bryer

"That was absolutely the best retreat I have encountered on my journey."
- comment from a recent retreat participant 

I recently spoke about The Four Wisdoms on a TeleCast hosted by Listen to the recording below:

MP3 File

    James Bryer - Softening to Love
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