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Sunday, November 16 2014



       Darkness has long been associated with evil and suffering – as in dark forces and dark night of the soul.  The season reminds me of another darkness – a darkness at the center of our being – a profound silence, the fertile emptiness of an eternal now, a haven, an oasis, a womb that - moment by moment - nurtures, births and transforms us.


       As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, we are invited to rest in this deep, gentle, healing quiet.  At 2am this morning, a poem came.



Befriending Darkness


The season of darkness

calls us inward

calls us home.

A cozy home

awaits us

warms us

wombs us.


The season of darkness

calls us inward

calls us home –

our mansion with many rooms.

Some we visit often.

Some we seldom enter.

Some we’ve yet to discover.


We enter the darkness

as we enter life –

not knowing the future.

Ego peers ahead

predicting, planning

feigning control

seeking escape from unknowing.


We enter the darkness

as we enter life –

not knowing the future.

Wisdom softens, listens

musters integrity

and heart

for just the next step.


The season of darkness

calls us home –

gently, tenderly.

Its cozy vastness

cocoons us.

Its silent emptiness

incubates fullness.


The season of darkness

calls us home

calls us to presence

calls us to now

whispers “everything’s here,

everything’s fine.”

The darkness births light.


Trust the darkness.

Trust your home.

Let it hold you

and behold you.

Let it birth you

and free you.

Befriend the darkness.





Posted by: AT 12:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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