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Sunday, July 14 2013



Have Fun


       Dusty and Lefty, two fictional cowpokes on the NPR radio show A Prairie Home Companion, ended a recent sketch with these words: "If you can't enjoy misery, you've got no business being a cowboy." 


       Thursday, after a full day and long week, I went home to mow the lawn.  The day was hot and sticky, and I grumped through most of the mowing.  There was enjoyment to be had, but I missed it – blue sky, a bit of a breeze, flowers blooming, lush and varied shades of green all about, and even some exercise-induced endorphins as I urged the mower up and down our hilly yard. 


       I missed an opportunity for conscious choice on Thursday.  For example, I could have acknowledged my discomfort and grumpy mood, stayed there as long as I wanted, and then looked around for what else was present, for something that might feed my spirit.  I could have, and can, make room for both discomfort and enjoyment.


       No doubt, you've heard the expression: "Any job worth doing is worth doing well."  Right now, I'm more inclined to say:  "Any job worth doing is worth doing with joy."


       Have fun.









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 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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