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Saturday, June 22 2013


       I need to face it:  Lately, Weekly Wisdoms have become Bi-Weekly Wisdoms.  After 4-plus years and over 150 postings, my energy is shifting.  As the practical parts of life have grabbed more time and attention, as I've pushed myself to keep producing on several fronts and as I find myself sometimes running on fumes,  something in me is pushing back, resisting, not flowing so freely.  I want to honor that push back.  And I want to honor the commitment I made to share something weekly.   


       A win-win solution that feels right to me is to post something most weeks, even if it is just a short quote that's come my way or a re-cycling of something I've posted before that still feels fresh to me. 


       So, here's one of the first pieces I posted – clearly relevant to my experience lately.



An Antidote for Exhaustion


       Poet, David Whyte, once asked his friend, Brother David Steindl-Rast, about a cure for exhaustion.  The reply was something like this:


       The antidote for exhaustion is not necessarily rest, though in some cases that may be true.  The antidote for exhaustion is whole heartedness.


Originally posted on May 16, 2009.


       When I honor my heart, it blossoms and energizes me.




Posted by: AT 01:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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