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Sunday, June 09 2013


       I've been noticing lately the choices I've been making.  Not so much the big decisions about life.  Rather, the small, moment-by-moment choices – to stay attuned in my body, to see beauty, to connect appreciatively with what is.   Presence is such an attractive alternative to the imaginary stories and interior dramas that so automatically claim center stage.


       Here's something I posted a couple years ago that recently caught my attention.  Hope you don't mind the re-run. 



New Now


Feeling bored?

Life a bit stale?


Try opening

Eyes and ears


Skin and

Taste buds


To novelty

And mystery


In this moment

Unfolding now.


Ego ho-hums,

"Same old, same old."


Not true,

Not true.


Spacious hearts

And intimate eyes


Greet and treat

Each life-moment


As unlike

Any other.


Want aliveness?

Adventures new?


All yours –

Right now.

Posted by: AT 11:48 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

    James Bryer - Softening to Love
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