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Sunday, December 09 2012

A Moment in Grace


       Sitting in the circle of group Thursday night, listening to people dear to me speak about how they allow themselves to receive, I felt my heart smile in response to the loving energy of our gathering.


       Unbidden, came a simple statement – a quiet, matter of fact declaration:  "I am a beautiful being".  There was not the tearful sense of redemption I sometimes feel when touched by life – no awe, really – just a peaceful feeling.  The egoic self was strangely silent.  I remember thinking "my heart is good", with no judgments about accomplishments or mistakes, good deeds or bad deeds.  In fact, all that stuff seemed irrelevant.


       The experience lasted maybe a couple seconds.  Then, effortlessly, my attention returned to the flow in the room.  Only later, after group was over, did I begin to appreciate the significance – and the originality – of that moment.


       Ego loves the familiar repetition of the same old thoughts.  This was not one of my usual thoughts.  This was a moment in grace, a gentle reminder for me – and now, I hope, a gentle reminder for you – of who we are.

Posted by: AT 09:54 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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