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Tuesday, June 29 2010



Two Fawns


       Last night, after nearly an hour of unsuccessful search for a bed sheet, Joanie and I spent our first night together in our first home.  We are surrounded by a chaos of boxes and furniture and stuff – two households of stuff, a mountain of stuff.  I, for one, am overwhelmed. 


       This morning, I went for a run from this new place.  Our neighborhood adjoins a protected forest area, called The Great Woods.  Through these woods, there are lots of paths.  I'm not sure where they all go, but I keep heading in a general direction, not worrying too much about which fork to take.  I figure I'll explore for a few runs and eventually find a route I like.


       As I jogged in this forest, a pair of fawns jogged by me from the other direction, just off to my right. They were jogging much faster than I, of course, and they looked to me like they were having fun. 


       Two fawns - new to life, finding their way in a forest, having fun.  Nice model for Joanie and me.






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 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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