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Monday, June 14 2010

Touched by a Turtle


       I've been thinking about the turtle we encountered in Quetico last week.  Kirk sent a picture, today, of me bending down and touching her shell.  In the picture, which I couldn't download for you, she's not as big as she seemed in real life – and nowhere near as intimidating as she was at first sight.


       What's most impressive to me is her focus on mission.  She found her spot and proceeded to dig, undeterred by our gawking, undeterred by my touch.  I expected a snap of annoyance, or at least a little hiss.  Nope.  She quietly went about her business, as if we weren't there.


       After nearly a half hour of digging, mostly in one spot, a spot without nearly enough dirt to support her mission, she moved on – not giving up too soon, not hanging on too long.


       What lovely lessons in showing up and letting go.


       It may look like I touched her.  Really, however, she touched me.

Posted by: AT 09:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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