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Tuesday, June 30 2009

A Healing Breath Walk

There are many ways that breath can be used for healing self and others.  Here's one that presented itself on the five-day wilderness backpacking trip I returned from late last night.

While walking in the gorgeous setting of the Superior Hiking Trail, I noticed how clogged I was with mind chatter -- judgments about my heavy pack and the steep terrain (not to mention my physical condition), regrets about what I did and did not bring, worries about my daughter, Marisa, who is in the midst of an arduous and challenging wilderness adventure that makes my hike seem like a stroll in the park.

Looking for another way to live in that moment, I invited attention to my feet and to my connection with Mother Earth.  On the in-breath, I opened to her loving presence and drew in her healing energy.  On the exhale, I released the density of judgments and worries into the transformational "compost heap" of the universe.

As the clogs began to clear, I found myself exhaling and sending forth the same nourishing energy I was receiving.  It's a bit like the way water clears, after it runs for a while through rusty pipes.
Posted by: AT 10:06 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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