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Thursday, May 30 2019

Vibrating Light 


         The Guarani, a deeply spiritual indigenous tribe living in South American rain forests (Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina), have a healing tradition that is passed down through the generations and is grounded in the healing power of love.  From the Guarani perspective, each of us is an energy field of light and love. 


         Elizabeth Cosmos writes of her experience with the practice of Ama-Deus, a healing approach rooted in Guarani spirituality.  Here’s a passage that speaks to me:


         “The main point in our evolution is to view and know life from a spiritual or energetic perspective.  The indigenous people and the mystics understand this and safeguard it with their lives, and now, some scientists are building a language for the subtle fields.  We are finely vibrating oscillating bodies of light interwoven with the electromagnetic bodies of others, of the earth, and of the Universe.


         As we learn this language and perceive from the heart, the veil of separation will dissolve.  There is no separation in the physical world and the spiritual world.  Viewing life from an energetic perspective sees all life as one, whether from the subtler spiritual planes or the denser physical material planes.  An energetic perspective simply gives a more complete picture, and this perspective follows that all life is sacred and intimately connected.”


Elizabeth Cosmos, Ama-Deus: Healing with the Sacred Energy of the Universe, pp. 154-5.

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 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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