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Monday, October 12 2009

Love's Wisdom

       After 35 years of doing couple's therapy and even longer at navigating my own relationships, I continue to be struck by our deep wisdom in selecting intimate partners.

       Perhaps you've noticed:  we don't necessarily pick the easiest people to be with.  In fact, we seem to have an uncanny knack for picking just the right person to help us grow. 

       Whatever lessons we need to learn, whatever wounds need healing, whatever skills we need to develop - whatever is necessary for our wholeness - we can rest assured:  it will be called forth in our closest relationships.  Wherever we need work - in showing up, perhaps, or in letting go - we'll get ample opportunity.

       Love is wise.  Surrender to its teaching.  Trust its work within you.  Trust relationship as a path to growth - even when you don't know where that path is leading.
Posted by: AT 11:17 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

    James Bryer - Softening to Love
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